Why are people who work remote full-time required to get the COVID vaccine to keep their employment?
Why does a 28 year old with a BMI of 22 and zero comorbidities need to choose between vaccination and unemployment?
The woke religion is trying to make disciples out of you.
It is illogical. But logic doesn’t matter in religion- that’s what makes it religion.
Wokeism is a religion.
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The derangement you’ve been observing has been a manifestation of the woke’s effort to make disciples out of you. They don’t like observing others act differently. It creates tension in their mind.
The push for vaccine compliance is not about public health or saving lives at this point in the pandemic. The overweight, old, and comorbidity-riddled are already vaccinated at high rates.
The push for vaccine compliance is a way to ease the woke’s anxiety, anger, and disgust that they experience when they observe other Americans act in ways that challenges their ideology: wokeism.
To not be vaccinated is to violate the woke’s belief system. The woke have an ideology that fogs their reality lens, meaning reality and what is observed is warped to fit their ideology, rather than their ideology adjusting to reality. Acting in ways that does not align with the woke’s ideology challenges their ideology. They don’t want reality to change their ideology. They want their ideology to change reality.
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The woke view COVID vaccination as an expression of virtue and righteousness- it’s a romantic, sacred act. It’s no longer a personal health decision, but a symbolic act to signal allegiance to woke ideology. Therefore, getting others vaccinated is their way to evangelize, or spread their ideology. They don’t do this through education or persuasion, but rather through mandates, coercion, and force.
Mandates, coercion, and force are the only ways to make disciples out of you. Getting you vaccinated is the woke’s way to ease their neuroticism and disgust towards you, the unclean, and create the world they believe ought to exist.
They want to evangelize and spread their ideology. That’s what wokeism is, and it needs to destroy all boundaries and borders in order to get to you. They need you to conform. They need you vaccinated. Their ideology can’t survive without it. Dissent is the greatest threat to their ideology.
Stay strong.
- Riyan